Day 16 Las Vegas to Tucumcari, NM
Miles: 110
Time: 7:44
Average: 14.2 mph
Max: 32.6
Total Ascent: 3,763
Est Calories: 6,444
Another century. It was a beautiful day, but long. The scenery was almost trumped by the length of the day. We went down a 3 mile 9 % grade, and I made it with many stops along the way to cool off the rims. I did not want to go thru another blow out like earlier in the ride, that cost me a rim. I'm so chicken that I actually preferred the 9% upgrade later in the day. You can see in the first picture how we cover up for the long days. The arm covers are called coolers, and can be doused with water to provide evaporation and cooling effects in desert type of conditions.
One point in the day I was riding with 3 other riders and I, at age 63, was the youngest in the group. It just made me smile. The joke is that the too oldest people (one woman, and on man) are 2 of the strongest on this ride.
Day 17-Tucumcari,NM to Dallhart, TX
Miles: 78 p/o 95
Average: 12.0
Time: 6:30
Total Ascent: 4,298
Estimated Calories: 5,236
It seems like we are always saying that "this" particular day was the hardest, and then another day comes along that trumps the last. Today was one of those days. A steady amount of climbing with serious head and cross winds all day long. The steady winds had to be in the 20mph with gusts substantially over that. We were on a 2 lane highway, and when trucks came toward us from other direction, and with the wind, the impact was magnified and buffed us around on the other side of the road more than trucks coming up upon us on the same side of the road as us. I took a flat in the front tire, and when checking for the cause, I found 3 thorns, and don't ask which one actually cause the flat.
After we crossed into Texas, the road turned rough, which only added to the degree of difficulty. Given this fact, and the fact that the wind seemed to be increasing, and our speed had slowed to a turtle's pace in the range of 8 mph, and we were losing an hour by crossing into the central time zone, and we have 6 more days of riding before a rest day, we gave up the ghost and took a ride in to the hotel. It turned out that many others did the same. Meanwhile, some the other rides actually toughed it out and road all the way to the hotel. Much respect to those that had the stamina to pull themselves in all the way!!!!
Tomorrow its off to Oklahoma and another state crossing. See ya............................
Nothing wrong with taking a very small break in the massive ride you're doing! "Don't Mess With Texas!" they say.