Sunday, May 10, 2009

Day 1-Technology...bah humbug!

LA to Riverside, Calif.
Miles: 79
Time: 5:28
Total ascent: 2448ft
Aver Speed: 13.6
Max Speed: 30.4
Est Calories: 5210

I'm still wrestling with my plethera of techno junk. True confessions: first I pushed a bunch of the wrong buttons on the Garmin and ended up getting directions from some previous ride telling me were to turn...NOT GOOD. I readjusted the Garmin setting while climbing off the beach after some 5 miles from the hotel. I then had to spend the rest of the day adjusting what I was looking at on the Garmin to compensate for what the real directions and distances were from the cue sheets used to direct us to the next hotel each day. Well, I made it here despite myself.

Second FUBAR: I failed to recharge my camera's battery last night, so as soon as we got to the Manhatten Beach Pier, the battery died. Therefore, the only way I'm going have some pictures of the "wheel dipping" and group picture at the ocean is to get copies from my roomie later on. What a Dunce!

Otherwise the day was great. Cloudy and cool for half the day, and terrain that was very flat for the most part. I won't talk about the missed turn that gave us an extra 400-500 feet of climbing for the day. Despite the overall great day and flat ride, the average speed was so low because every 38 feet there was a red light, all the way from LA, or at least it seemed that way. In between we were moving briskly along around 16-17 mph. I've got to get over this average stuff. Remember, this is just a tour, and we only have some 86 more SAG stops to go. So, it's time for the eat, drink and sleep part of this daily ritual, as we have nicely completed today's riding part. All's well as we get ready for our first push into the Mojave Desert starting tomorrow.

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