Indianapolis to Richmond, In
Miles: 84.0
Time: 5:39
Aver: 14.9 mph
Max: 26.2
Est Calories: 5,564
Ascent: 2,209
I really didn't take any pictures today, so I added the above picture from an earlier day because it represents what we expect to feel like after the next 4 days. If you expand the picture, you will note that the sign says: Dysfunction Junction. Today was fairly long but it will be the shortest of the next five days (including today which was 84 miles). We will working the last official century tomorrow, but the next day is 97 miles. Virtually another century. The next two days after that will be 91, and 87 miles. That rest day in Eire, Pa after these next four days is already looking good.
We were going to take it easy today, but like many mornings, we all started out virtually together, and I ended up riding with some of the more aggressive riders for some 30 miles. Two of us slowed down at about 8 miles from the SAG, and just chatted our way in to the SAG. It was nice to run with a new group for a while, and get to know Willie a bit more.
At the SAG, we split up with two other groups (that we have separately been riding with lately) , and we each motored along with our respective groups to get through the rest of the day. Our group stopped at a sandwich shop in a small town, Centerville. I ordered a grilled ham and cheese. I was pleasantly surprised when the sandwich came out with about a half inch of ham. It was just what the doctor ordered today.
I wasn't particularly attentive, but Sue from Sisters, Or. that just joined the ride, asked about all these large, shiny, colored or silver balls in so many lawn decorations. Apparently they are not found in Oregon. One hit with the male riders was a car wash that was being advertised by bikini clad high school girls on both sides of the road as we left the sandwich shop in Centerville. I would have taken a picture to prove that this actually occurred, but we felt that discretion was the better part of valor, and we hesitate to think what would have happened if some parents saw us lined up taking pictures of their daughters in bathing suits.
I hope that my recoupertive powers will work wonders tonight for tomorrow's, hilly and long sojour into our tenth state: Ohio, the state of my birth, and many years of living until I eventually found my self moving to Pennsylvania, and then to NJ, after college and the military. See ya........
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