Thursday, April 30, 2009

Last Training Trek

With all the email chatter amoung the XC bikers about 12 and 8 percent grades on the first day, I went out today and included some 17-19 percent grades in along with my last, 50-plus mile training ride. Time to put my "A" personality" to bed and enjoy some light (read, short) rides before my flight next Thursday with my roomie. We are scheduled for rain tonight and most of next week. So, maybe I'll just take CrossRoads' suggestion over the next 6 days and get some sleep and give the legs a bit of a break before the long push.

I hope my spelling improves. It seems that I spend more time going back into these posts to correct my errors, than I did with the original entries. Someone suggested that we have a literary contest, for a beer, to see who gets the first book contract. I plan to pay up the first day I see him so that the pressure is off me. I have enough trouble with this blogging stuff.


  1. It's OK if yur speeling isn't quite so gud. We undrstend an will cuntinuew to follow yur progriss.

    Buckeye Cuz. :)

  2. Dear Cuz: I guess it is genetic, or should I say geriatric. Either way, regards.
